Marco Caricola
Composer, Music Producer, Sound Artist
Featured Works
Highlights Reel
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Hilos En Hilos (2023)
25AV | Short Film
Dir. Laila Saber RodriguezIn Good Shape (2023)
Dir. David JeneweinEs War Einmal Südlich Von Schwerin (2022)
NDR | Documentary
Dir. Stephan LöhrGrounded (2022)
SUNGOD | Short Film
Dir. Lidewij HartogTo Live On Land (2021)
ANCC Studio | Short Film
Dir. David JeneweinDie Polizeianwärter (2020)
NDR | Feature Documentary
Dir. Lisa Wolff and Sonja Kättner-NeumannFly (2019)
Picture This Productions | VR Experience
Dir. Charlotte Mikkelborg
*Premiered at Saatchi Gallery (UK), Cannes (EU) TriBeca (US)
*Winner, Raindance 2020 (Best VR Documentary)Homs und ich (2019)
NDR | Documentary
Dir. Stephan Löhr, Katharina Schiele, Sulaiman Tadmory
*Premiered at Filmfest Hamburg (GE) -
Filmstudie, single (Believe)
Neath (Ending), single (Believe)2021
Aleas (1), EP (Believe)
Abrigo, single (Believe)2020
Homs und Ich OST (1631 Recordings)
Last Exiles, single (1631 Recordings)2016
Innerfin, solo album (1631 Recordings)
Marco Caricola (he/him) is an Apulian artist and composer who has developed a captivating music profile built within modern social fabrics while inspired by the cultural richness of his Mediterranean roots, spanning from shades of ambient and noise to chamber music and downtempo.
As composer for visual media, he collected a strong range of experiences scoring soundtracks for tv films, commercial short movies, fashion campaigns, and immersive installations. He recurrently collaborated with German broadcaster NDR on the production of three feature documentary features, fashion brands such as JW Anderson and Maison Margiela, and art installations presented by renowned platforms like Saatchi Gallery, SXSW, and Cannes. In 2022 he scored the documentary short Grounded, produced by SUNGOD and focused on the life and work of world-champion kite surfer Airton Cozzolino. Marco’s sought after sound and passionate craftsmanship brought his music to tens of movie campaigns in the US. Among the projects he licensed material for: Hereditary, The Green Knight, Sully, Nope, Dr. Strange in The Multiverse of Madness, Bird Box.
In 2023, together with filmmaker friend Laila Saber Rodriguez, Marco joined the roster of 25AV with the experimental short film Hilos En Hilos. The project, a joint venture between Creative Europe, Radio Raheem, Radio 8000 and Kiosk Radio, focuses on showcasing the most exciting audiovisual works produced by new artists in Europe today. Across the year, Hilos En Hilos will be showcased by IMAL (Brussels, BG), Triennale di Milano (IT), and Zirka (Munich, GE).
Aside from his work for visuals, Marco is currently resident dj and host for Bethlehem-based Radio Alhara, and Athens-based Movement Radio. In 2021 he published the first part of Aleas, an EP series based on aleatoric improvisation techniques, and curated Declinazioni, a collective musical experiment that united 29 international artists in a single multimedia fabric. He was the first artist in residence for Linecheck Music Meeting & Festival 2022 with his political-themed immersive composition Antiphøn. In the same year he was also artist/researcher in residence for DEFAULT 22 (KORA Center, Castrignano de’ Greci) and Un-writing Nature II (CAD+SR, Spoleto).